We shoulder some of your needs...
While you carry the entire Nation on yours

DEFSMART is a one-stop place for most of the needs pertaining to the requirements of Defence personnel or their relatives duly researched, vetted, collated and presented under one umbrella by us. You don’t need to search the web to find out relevant information of concern to you, as we have tried to bring everything on this site.
We have searched the web and collated a number of existing as well as new Service Providers willing to provide services to the Armed Forces Personnel , both serving and retired and their dependents. Through arbitration and negotiation we have convinced them to provide these services at lower charges/percentages. By this, they extend their support and solidarity, as part of their appreciation for the services rendered by you in safeguarding the external and internal security and integrity of our nation.
We also act as a platform wherein services/ products created by anyone from the Armed Forces fraternity, such as Blogs, or any of your creations/talents can be Showcased or advertised in the Classifieds section, to reach a larger audience and get appreciated.
Defsmart provides all of this completely free of charge. No charges of any kind would be levied for any of the services (except Classifieds) rendered to our patrons. Furthermore, this is an interactive site where you can contribute to its efficacy by giving us your valuable feedback.
Be a part of the best defence
Forces in the world
At any stage of career/life, there is always an option to get Upskilled and Certified, either in your own field of expertise or in a new avenue/interest to explore. Especially in these pandemic times, wherein you are unsure of what the future holds as you are locked inside your homes. So, get certified and that too from World Renowned Companies/Universities and make optimum use of the time at hand.
Courses Categories
Students Enrolled
We provide you with a platform where you find articles/ blogs regarding topics that would interest most of the defence people. We also encourage you to contribute towards this section by sending us your articles/ blogs.
Steps Towards Entering The Civil World
Web Browsers and Search Engines
Virtual Private Network
Tips to improve your immune system
Finance Blogs
Matrimonial Blogs
Educational Blogs
Health Blogs
There are a number of web sites/pages of Armed Forces Headquarters that provide policies and news related to Defence Personnel and Veterans. These sites also provide latest amendments and changes. We provide you with a one stop place where all your defence related sites are available at a click to the defence fraternity.
Successfully Referred
Soldiers and their dear ones are born and nurtured uniquely. They have many different talents that they develop while in service. These special talents are hidden from the world due to the innate humility and the reticent nature of the soldier. We provide a platform where you can Showcase your talent/creativity and help you to highlight your talent in front of a larger and like-minded audience.
Success Stories
Successfully Added

We provide you with a platform where you can find matters of great importance to most Defence people viz.,
Matrimonial, Jobs and Classifieds listing.
We encourage you to utilize and contribute in your own ways by joining us or even by sending us relevant queries.
Classified Ads

Jatin Dhingra

Pragati Mishra

Vishwas Anand